Meeting Brittany and Arie for the first time at their session was a breath of fresh air. They are two of the sweetest and most sincere people, and were also just so excited to have their photos taken together. There’s a whole lot of love and happiness between them and every moment captured was full […]
Capturing Melanie and Joe’s Engagement Session at Ott’s Exotic Plants Greenhouse and Green Lane Park was such a breath of fresh air! There’s just something about greenhouses that really know how to pick you up after a long, cold winter! Plus these two and all of their sweetness made the day that much sweeter + […]
Starting a wedding photography business is a challenge to do right. Let’s face it – if you do a quick search for wedding photographers, you are going to find a lot of results. After literally typing “wedding photographer” into Google, we get back almost 10 million results. When recently browsing through some recent likes on […]