Probably the least interesting part of running a wedding photography business is trying to wrap our heads around all the tax stuff. As a small business setup as a Limited Liability Company (LLC), there is a world of tax law and requirements that we were never used to in our normal life pre-business, because our […]
One of the things we have put considerable thought into — and a topic in which there is considerable advice available that can be found both online and offline — is pricing your wedding photography business collection packages. Indeed, this is one of the most common questions that we see in various online forums we […]
Starting a wedding photography business is a challenge to do right. Let’s face it – if you do a quick search for wedding photographers, you are going to find a lot of results. After literally typing “wedding photographer” into Google, we get back almost 10 million results. When recently browsing through some recent likes on […]
Meghan + Stan’s December wedding day at the Cairnwood Estate was one for the books. Usually when the forecast calls for snow in early December we get a little dusting. But the weather wanted to make this day even more magical for them and create a beautiful winter wonderland! Suffice to say, it only took […]
Wedding photographers live and die by whether or not they can book clients. And not just any clients, their ideal clients – which help to make taking wedding photos a fun experience that can pay the bills. When setting up your own photography business, it is important to be critical of what kind of client […]